Tuesday, 24 July 2018

HIV Aids Diagnostic Tests and Symptoms

Before cancer became the threat that it is today, HIV was the most dreaded disease of all times and still is. Today, it is no doubt that there has been an increase in lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and cancer, and that has somehow sidelined the fact that HIV is still a killer disease as well. Most people are not taking the necessary precautions to counter HIV infections. An infected person may not even be aware that they are carrying the virus, until they start showing some obvious symptoms that will make them go for a test only to find out that they have been carrying the virus for a certain period of time. Others may be very much aware that they have contracted the virus, but opt to live in denial for various reasons such as stigmatization or regret. 

Whatever reason could be preventing anyone from taking a HIV test; it remains as the only sure way of knowing if you have an infection or not. It is also the only way to ensure that unaware people are not becoming victims of the virus.  That is why it is always advisable to mind about your health and that of others and take a HIV Test regularly especially for the people who are sexually active and drug users who inject drugs by sharing needles and syringes. Other causes leading to the HIV infection could be mother to child during birth, blood transfusion, and sharing personal items such as needles and razorblades. 

HIV Blood Test

Some people are good at insinuating about what other people could be suffering from. In most cases, HIV instances are the most common because the symptoms tend to be loud. However, an HIV test is the only option that can accurately reveal whether someone is infected with the virus or not. There are various HIV tests with different window period (time between HIV infection and HIV detection). These are three main types of HIV tests;

  • Antibody test: This test checks for HIV antibodies (disease fighting proteins which respond to HIV infection) in blood and other body fluids such as mouth fluids. The window period for this test is mostly between 3 to 12 weeks from the time of HIV infection.
  • Combination(antibody and antigen) tests:In this HIV Blood test, both HIV antibodies and antigens are detected within a window period that runs from 2 to 6 weeks from the day of infection. 
  • Nucleic acid tests: This test detects HIV infection in blood for about a period of 7 to 28 days after infection. 
As far as HIV testing is concerned, it is important that there are also rapid HIV tests that produce results almost instantly. For those fearing or not courageous enough to go for HIV testing, there are also home tests kits for that purpose. 

HIV Symptoms

HIV symptoms show depending on the infection stage.
  • First Stage: During this stage, not many are even aware that they have contracted the infection. That is why most symptoms in this stage are easily confused with other common diseases symptoms. These symptoms include;
  1. Headache
  2. Fatigue
  3. Nausea and vomiting
  4. Sore throat
  5. Diarrhea
  6. Red rashes
  7. Aching joints and muscles
  • Second Stage: In this stage, the symptoms of the first stage are gone and people can easily infect others with the virus since there are no notable symptoms to show that someone is sick. The immune system is destroyed slowly therefore making the body more vulnerable to other illnesses. 
  • Third Stage: This is the advanced stage of HIV infection whereby the immune system is at its weakest moments. The following are the symptoms that are associated with this stage
  1. Sweating profusely especially at night
  2. Endless fatigue
  3. Weight loss
  4. Severe diarrhea
  5. Bleeding
  6. Continuous Fever
  7. Spotty skin
  8. Yeast infections in the mouth or around the vagina
  9. Swollen nodes in the neck region or the groin
  10. Running out of breath
Last but not least, an HIV Test is the only way to counter HIV virus extremeness. Early diagnosis and treatment can guarantee someone a long and health life.

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