Monday, 17 September 2018

All You Need to Know About Hepatitis

 Hepatitis, a viral infection occurs due to various factors. There are three types of Hepatitis, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C. However, there are specific tests to detect which type of hepatitis has occurred to your body by conducting a blood test for hepatitis, physical exam and in some cases imaging scans like CT scan as well. Also, vaccines are recommended for the prevention of these Hepatitis virus formations which is given in doses. Getting vaccinated is the best solution to prevent future infections.

HAV –Causes and Risk Factors

  • This type of hepatitis causes the liver inflammation due to a virus. Hepatitis A virus spreads to someone who accidentally consumes the contaminated food or water. 
  • It gets contaminated from the stool of a person who got the virus. 
  • For example, eating fruits or vegetables which was contaminated during handling of these items or consumed raw shellfish from contaminated water leads to this disease. 
  • There are some risk factors for spreading this disease like having physical relation with a person who already has this virus infection or traveling to a country where there is a recent outbreak of this disease.

HAB – Causes and Tests
  • It is the deadliest type of hepatitis which if left untreated lead to be fatal. It also spreads from the person who got hepatitis B virus through their body fluids, blood or open sores. 
  • It makes the organ to scar and subject to liver failure and sometimes advance to liver cancer.
  • Other risk factors include having unprotected sex who is infected by this virus or sharing the needle or syringe from the infected person leads to virus formation.
  • Your body immune system fights back these viruses, and your doctor may order a hepatitis blood test to check if these viruses are destroyed and whether your body recovered from this virus infection.

HAC – Causes and Risk Factors
  • This type of hepatitis also causes liver inflammation and is deadly if not treated. There are many types of hepatitis of which type 1 is most commonly seen.
  • It spreads through shared drugs, STD’s; during delivery, an infected mother can spread to the infant or unhygienic medical equipment which are used for dialysis treatment.
  • However, there are certain precautions to be undertaken to prevent from getting these Hepatitis C virus like choosing a well-researched hygienic tattoo and piercing parlor, not sharing personal grooming items like manicure kits, razors, nail clippers and practicing protected physical relations.

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