Wednesday, 12 December 2018

Blood Tests to Detect Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are the crystal mineral deposits in the form of stone that is present in the urinary tract or within the kidney. However, these causes severe sharp pain in most of the cases which are caused by a decrease in the amount of the urine or some stone-forming elements in the urine. But in addition to these, there are various risk factors associated with this stone formation like heredity, persons who have gout, or certain medications and supplements are also a factor.

Early Detection Test

To detect and treat the kidney stones without undergoing any surgeries, Kidney blood test can be ordered by your doctor when he suspects you may have any stone formation. Like if you have any complaints like severe pain which wake you up from a deep sleep, blood in urine you can talk to your doctor about your concerns.

Kidney Function Test

It consists of a series of tests to determine if you have any abnormal functioning of your kidney. Kidney Function Blood Test included Serum creatinine test, blood urea nitrogen and estimated GFR tests. All these tests check for the optimal range for healthy kidney function, anything higher or lower than these levels further lead to other kidney stone test that may be recommended by your doctor.

  • The normal range of GFR, which determines how good your kidney is filtering the waste substance from the body, it should be anywhere lower than 60 ml/minute/1.73m2.
  • The BUN level must be between 7 and 20 mg/dL.
  • The creatinine level should be lower than 1.2 mg/dL for women and 1.4 mg/dL for men.


If the kidney stones are detected early with the help of these blood samples as well as urine samples, then your doctor puts you on medications for a few months. Usually, most of the patients who are detected at the initial stage will not undergo any surgical treatments because of the negligible size of the stone which can be quickly dissolved by some of the advanced medications. 

However, you may require performing these kidney stone tests in a regular interval for a certain period to make sure it does not reoccur.

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